Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May The Fourth Be With You!

Next to the day of the Boston Marathon, today is one of my favorite days of the year on social media. Oh, the creativity! If you aren't a Star Wars fan, yeah, today probably sucks for you. My apologies. Today is also my husband's birthday. So it's a celebration yo!

Tonight we have plans to go out to a local diner-type-cafeteria-style place for supper. It's not a place I would pick, but he luvvssss this place so off we will go. I am picking up a cookie cake for him as well. 

I got my run in this morning before work. The weather was AMAZING! I'm drinking coffee right now, can you tell I'm wound up? In all seriousness though, it was in the high 50s, low 60s when I ran. I only look at the weather to see if it will rain and never pay attention to the temps. I walked outside my door and ahhhhhhhhh, so happy.

My Soleus watch (I will write a review about this watch soon) worked great. But when I went to stop and save once I hit a mile, I hit the wrong button. While I was trying to figure it out apparently the time was still ticking and I ended up with a 16-minute mile.

I know I ran faster than that because a few times I glanced at my watch I saw 13 and 14-minute paces. So disappointing, but I am getting stronger (maybe not faster) and didn't want to vomit until right at the end.

Today would be a perfect day for an excuse not to run. When I'm stressed, I want to lay in bed. My daughter's best friend was diagnosed with leukemia yesterday. I love that little girl so much and I know it's a really rough time for her and her family.

She is heading to St. Jude today where I know she will get the best treatment there is. To be diagnosed on your 6th birthday - it's too much to comprehend right now. I had lymphoma 19 years ago and I know the road ahead for her is very long.

Yesterday I signed up for a local children's hospital's half marathon for next March. Which coincidentally is the place where she was diagnosed. I'm very much looking forward to this race. I'm trying to convince my friend to run it with me. She has run a 10k so I know she can do this.

So my "training season" stands like this - summer, base-building. Sept/Oct start a real training plan for the Louisiana Half Marathon in January. Then I'll run the hospital half for fun.

I'll pretend I'm a real runner and say my "A game" race is the first one in January.

Yes, better get to running. In the midst of this week I completely forgot to workout last night with weights.

I hope you have a great week and weekend. I'm looking forward to Mother's Day. We are planning a trip to the New Orleans Zoo if all goes well with the weather.

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