Last week was a nice week since I was on my Staycation. It was a bit boring (which I luved), but I sure did take advantage watching The Walking Dead, Supernatural and New Girl. These were all new shows for me and I had a great time. I started watching Downton Abbey and eh, I'm a little disappointed? But I'm going to give it more time.
Running wise I had a sort-of-good week. I got in only two runs I think.
14.31 - one mile
15:08 - one mile
I was somewhat disappointed because the last time I posted I had a 14:07 mile. It's crazy how some miles feel super fast and then whaaaat, only 15:08 - am I regressing?
I had a lot of stomach issues last week which led me to not running that third scheduled run.
What I find with my IBS is during times of stress, it will flare up, but I'm usually so stressed I can handle it. It sounds crazy and it is. But then, when things "calm down" with the stress, THAT'S when the IBS ramps up. It's annoying and illogical. But I've come to accept it for what it is.
October was a much, much better month stress-wise compared to September. Here we are, on Halloween, without having as much as nailed in one nail into the house. Our original goal was to be back in the house by Halloween. Oh, we were so young and naive 2 1/2 months ago. Bless our hearts.
But we are slowly making progress with paperwork. It's taken calling in our state representatives and attorney general, but it's coming along...sort of. We still have no insurance money so....
Today I got out there and I wasn't sure I would because of my stomach. But I'm so glad I did because I got:

So, so close to 13.59. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was trucking it, but I was dying. I wanted to throw up, but hey, that's nothing new. ;)
This week I hope to get back out there three more times. My plan was next week to bump up to two miles, but eh, I don't know. No rush.
Tomorrow starts my big 50,000-words in November writing project. I got to meet one of my favorite authors this weekend - Natalie C. Parker - who gave me a few tips and inspiration to get this thing done.

Happy Halloween!
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