Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I'm running!

It's mid-week and late afternoon and, whaaaat? I'm posting? Ha!

The title is correct, I'm running. I'm so excited about this. I've run twice this week so far with one more run planned for the weekend.

Now am I running far? Nope. Just one mile. Am I running fast? Nope, although it feels like it. We are talking slower than a 15-minute mile. Boooo. But, I don't care! I'm running!

Monday an average pace of 15:29. I was hoping for a number in the 14s. There are no other workouts that can compare to a run, especially if you are out-of-shape and overweight. Cheers!

My cat loves being in photos.
The day was long and tough at work - and I have a desk job! In all seriousness, I definitely felt that run. I had planned to run again Thursday, but when I looked at the weather, the forecast called for storms. (I fully expect the weather to be perfect now that I rearranged and ran today instead).

My shins and thighs were hurting. But not my feet. NOT MY FEET PEOPLE! I do have some usual plantar fascia pangs, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Last night I did a weight workout for 10 minutes. 8-pound weights. I wanted to prepare my arms for today, but nothing too crazy.

So this morning, my cat woke up at 4:30 a.m. so I was nice and awake for when the alarm went off at five. After a semi-heart attack when I realized I left my earbuds at work (found another pair in the drawer which were even better than my old ones) I proceeded to sit in the driveway four times to fix a rock in my shoe.

Off I went, loving it and so happy until I noticed my watch was showing my pace, but not the GPS tracking wasn't working. What? How will I know I hit a mile? Will this run count if I can't take a picture of my pace? I'm being sarcastic of course, but I was ticked I had run a half mile already.

I decided I needed the stats that bad I would just have to go forth a full mile. So I ended with a mile and a half run. But only the full mile counted on the watch.

I improved 8 seconds. Not much more than two days before, but considering I ran longer I was happy.

 As long as I'm seeing progress, I feel like I can do this.

So, we shall see. And I did lose some weight since my last weigh-in. Since starting the Diet Bet a month ago I lost a total of six pounds, but not enough to make my bet. It still was a lot of fun.

Current weight: 170.5.

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