Hahahaha! So I'm the biggest excuse maker and I have two valid excuses for my lack of workouts.
Last week I was STILL dealing with my stomach being off. It hasn't been fun, but I was finally getting better. Saturday was my daughter's birthday party and we had to go to another birthday party. I was on my feet for about six hours wearing very uncomfortable shoes (should have just worn my tennis shoes). My entire body hurt and when I slept that night I apparently hurt my neck.
Can you have a neck virus? I had swollen lymph nodes, but also pain. It was on one side Sunday then spread to the rest of my neck Monday. My nodes went back to normal and by today (Thursday) my neck feels good as new. I did have pain in my sinuses so I have no idea what went wrong.
See, I can find an excuse in everything. It's something I'm trying to change, but obviously it's a work in progress.
My husband has a sinus thing going on and I am hoping beyond hope I don't get what he has.
My Diet Bet ends Monday and I have lost five pounds, which is great, but I needed to lose seven total. Not sure that will happen. I'm OK with it though because I lost five.
My friend told me about this app, "Plant Nanny." It's so adorable. You are the waterer of the plant of your choice. Each time you drink a cup of water, you water the plant. The plant will continue to grow. If you don't water it, this happens:

Gah I had the wrong picture - edited now.
If you water the plant correctly you get this (you add for each glass you drink).

I've got my daughter watering the plant and I'm proud to say we are growing this "Devils' Ivy." He's a happy plant today. Must keep it up.
Food has been about the same. Some good meals, some not-so-good. Here is a chicken caesar salad I had at the cheesesteak place we got to weekly. Believe it or not, these are really good! I did not eat all the croutons, but even if I did, still better than ordering a poboy.

A salad I got for lunch. Strawberry salad with pecans. Delish.
So, my plan is to attempt a run on Monday. #neverskipmonday right? I always sigh at the people who post that hashtag on IG because if you follow them, you'll see they do skip Mondays and you know, that's OK if you skip a Monday. That first day of the week is a drag, no?
Anyway, I'll see how that run goes. To be honest, I'm bored out of my mind of the dvds. I'm ready for Phase 2: start running and on the other days it's weight day. I have a plan from my trainer that is fantastic for weights. More about all that later.
As I'm writing this Prince died. He was a BIG part of my childhood. I hope he didn't die from drugs. It's so cliche. We are all in the newsroom saying, "What????????????" Tears.
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