But, it's the truth. I just plum forgot. Since my last post I've had job interviews, written two stories for my freelancing job, started packing to move to our real house, picked up and sorted almost 200 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. I haven't even had time to grocery shop.

Where the cookie magic happens ...
I like to keep things positive on the blog, but this week will be the perfect storm of more deadlines, the contest I want to enter for my book is later this week, delivering cookies, I'm hoping to help out a flooded couple build their house, more job interviews... #realtalk (I hate that hashtag btw) I probably won't be running this week.
So, bare with me one more week.
My little family is getting closer to putting the flood behind us, and I'm excited about what the future holds. PS: We also may adopt a dog.
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