Also those who live an hour from me and those in Monroe/Bossier City - so tough and I hope it turns out OK for them eventually. Some have lost everything, and I always count my blessings in times like these. Usually hurricanes are our biggest threat.
As far as my own little tiny corner of the world, I've been doing my best to get over this months-long infection. The medicine my oncologist gave me seems to be working. I'm going to try to cut back on dairy and see if that helps my sinuses as well. I'm not sure I can give up my half cup of milk with my oatmeal though, but I'm going to try. Certainly I can cut back on cheese and my chocolate milk treats.
I've also started to seriously declutter my house in hopes of less stuff = less dust. We gave a lot of stuff away this weekend. Still, so much more to do. But I'm hoping this will help my allergies, and definitely my daughter's allergy situation.
My food has not been "on point." Between just being too exhausted and sick to shop, much less cook, there have been a few takeout meals. But, last night, yay, I cooked some nice meals for this week.

Asparagus for the win!

Cauliflower rice. This is unbelievably easy to make. Trader Joes has the rice already prepared, but I'm more of a Whole Foods girl so I don't go to Trader Joes. The hardest part of making this rice from scratch is dicing that rice when your food processor no longer works.
I also baked some cod but I was too out of it to take a picture. I baked it with cajun seasoning and real lemon juice. Can't wait for supper tonight!
Lunch will be the annual tuna sandwich with vegan brownie from the local Jewish synagogue. My coworker sells these every year and it's always a delicious meal.
Here's my obligatory whine about the time change. What in the world??? Spring is definitely worse than fall. My cat - between the storms, winds, time change she has officially gone psycho. This morning she got up for 4:45, which in "old" time was 3:45. I got up at 5:30 (4:30) to workout. I nearly fell asleep on the way to work.
But I'm ready for this Monday and I've got my workout in. My daughter has to go to daycare because, yet again, school is closed. But she's super happy to see all her friends.
We had a good weekend which included her taking pictures with Easter ducklings. I have a house in tact and getting over my infection. Can't ask for anything more than that!
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