So I don't have many pics of meals because, as usual, I've forgotten to take pics.
I do have this one from the catered lunch we had at work. Once a month they are bringing in lunch for us. This is an outstanding idea. This week was from a local deli/shop. I guess because of St. Patrick's Day we had an Irish lunch. Corned beef (first time having it - delicious), baked chicken, tons of roasted vegetables, rice pilaf. This really made the day lovely.

* I could use more healthy meals - although we haven't eaten out and I've actually had healthy meals at work.
* I have worked out three days in a row. This is pretty much awesome for me. I suck at exercise consistency and I think maybe the last time this happened was in October before I got sick?
* I'm drinking a small amount of diet sodas. I swore I would end my soda addiction. I hate the diet drinks so much that I'm about ready to chuck them all together. Mainly I'm trying to keep headaches at bay and take baby steps with this workout thing. THEN tackle the sodas and diet.
* My chest situation is much better. This morning I worked out with no chest pain. I'm very excited about this because it's been a problem. I think the infection meds are working, but I really hate taking them. But I'm seeing progress!
So there we go. I'll try to not post my workouts till after the "week" has finished. I'm sore, but I'm not terribly sore so I don't know if that's good or bad.
I ran out of the Community Coffee Carnival King Cake cups, so I've moved onto this. It's quite delicious and honestly doesn't need much creamer or sugar to make it tasty.

The cute Starbucks cup my coworker gave me for Christmas. She knows I love my Starbucks!
In running news (nope, not running), I've discovered some great podcasts. This is probably more work news rather than running news now that I think about it. But being in the newsroom is great because now I can listen to my earbud as much as I want. I'm a librarian, not reporter.
I've discovered the Hansons Marathon podcast. It's from the guys behind the Hansons Marathon/Half Marathon training plans and books. They are free and cover a variety of topics. Hansons is one of the plans I'd love to follow one day (although I'll never be as hardcore as these folks), but they give great advice.
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