We had tiny mounds of Kleenex everywhere in our house. I think, knock on wood, we are getting back to normal.
I started feeling really bad towards the end of last week. I had to take off some days of work to be with my daughter and it was probably a good thing. I was walking around like some snot alien from another planet.
I had already called in for my second round of meds. But those pills did nothing for me. The biggest issue was my sinuses swelled up so much for two days straight even Benadryl couldn't do anything for it. Finally, Saturday I felt like I was becoming normal.
Friday was my 18-year cancer diagnosis anniversary and it wasn't a good one except for lots of snuggles from my daughter.
I decided to enlist the big guns last week and scheduled an appointment with my oncologist. I've had some sort of infection since October. I get better, then I get worse. It's been a never-ending cycle.
I've also had a good amount of chest and back pain the last couple of months. I could never be sure if the pain was from the infection or something more pressing.
Those infections put a real dent in my running plans. I had signed up for several races, including one yesterday. Luckily two of the three were for charity so I didn't feel as guilty for paying for races I couldn't attend.
I decided to talk to my oncologist about my problems. Any cancer survivor knows a trip to the oncologist is a tad on the scary side and raises your paranoia about your body by oh, about 100. It's a nerve-wrecking experience because you just never know what is going to come out of it. More tests? More possible answers? Or, maybe you are just a whackadoo who will be worried about cancer for the rest of your life?
It's not something I talk about IRL except for a select couple of people. This is just one of those things that are private, yet I will touch on it in this blog because I feel like my past cancer is a part of my journey towards accomplishing my fitness goals.
The doc ordered a chest x-ray but feels like, based on my bloodwork, I'm A-OK. Big, big relief. I haven't gotten the results of the x-ray or my mammo from last week, but I'm feeling more positive about things.
This may be helpful for anyone with chronic sinus/chest infections - he said there is a strain of virus that has been going around for months. The problem is a z-pack or augmentin or even the typical antibiotics seem to be resistant to it.
So my hope is I just have not found the correct medicine to kick this thing out of my body. He's giving me a two-week dose and we'll see how that goes. So for the next two weeks, I plan to be as nice to my body as possible.
I don't have any pics except one of my recent eats because I've either been unable to swallow, had no appetite and worst of all ... I had no taste. Wow, not being able to taste food makes a big difference on whether you feel full or not.
I still feel like crap, but I can't put into words how happy I am to at least be able to swallow again without feeling like the roof of my mouth is five times it's normal size.
Alas, here I am today getting back into the real world. We are wrapping up our Girl Scout Cookie campaign. Our troop made "Super Troop" status selling over 3,000 boxes. That was definitely a nice accomplishment met.
I am making plans for how I want to redo my girl's room before her birthday next month.
I've got several sprinkles and birthday parties coming up to attend.
Basically it's a good time to be alive so yay for us being alive!
Today I had oatmeal for breakfast. But for lunch, I treated myself with this salad from the work cafe.

It looks menial and a bit wimpy, but I discovered banana peppers, blue cheese crumbles, olives and purple onions beneath the lettuce and chicken. Oh, happy lunch!
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