Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 12 summary

Another week, another summary. I hope everybody had a good weekend. Mine was filled with wreaths, wreaths and more wreaths. I'm making a bunch of wreaths for a benefit for my daughter's friend who has cancer. It's been a lot of work doing these, but a LOT of fun. I just hope the wreaths get more than $5 at the benefit. :)

Here's how I'm starting off my day. Community Coffee mocha. This is a very good coffee and definitely a sometimes treat. People talk about Starbucks prices, wellll, this company is only about 10 cents cheaper. Flip side is it's very close to the new building at work, so heck yeah!

This week's weigh-in: 166.5. This brings me to a 2-pound loss from last week. Rock on! I'm so very happy, but I can tell I'm starting to plateau. I'm going to see how this next week goes, then I may start adding weight workouts.

My total since the Diet Bet in March is 11 pounds loss. I'm extremely excited to see how I feel when I lose another 10 pounds. I feel a lot better than before. My joints are feeling pretty good. My bloat is gone. I'm starting to feel a slight curve in my waist as opposed to a box.

When I lose more weight that is noticeable, I'll take full body shots. For now I present my Resting Bitch Face:

This was right after Mother's Day weekend, so almost a month ago.

In order to not look like an angry white woman on a Monday I attempted to smile. (I'm not a selfie taker, but trying to document progress) My cystic breakouts are clearing up, a bit of the double-chin is slowly disappearing. The inflamation I had under my eyes is also SLOWLY disappearing.

I have zero food pictures this week. I'm having a memory issue with my camera phone. But I can tell you with the exception of one Chik-Fil-A meal (worth every calorie), a Jimmy Johns meal (worth every calorie) and a custard ice cream (yep, you guessed it) I had a lot of chicken, salads, vegetables, more chicken and more salads.

The last two weeks I've had some stress, nothing worth talking about here, but I've done really good not stress eating. That was a big issue for me before. I would start to eat out more because I was stressed and would put my focus on the stress rather than taking care of myself. Not anymore! This is still a work in progress.

What I've found helpful:
* Keep my mind occupied during those stressful days. If I'm at work, I plot out my running plans. If I'm at home, usually spending time with my kiddo helps. I've also committed myself to a few projects and goals so I don't have the time or care to worry about whatever is going on.
* Focus on the main goal - to lose weight in order to run faster. I'm not a bikini girl, so my goal is not to look good on the beach. I'm in this to win it.
* Stop and think - do I want to eat because I'm truly hungry or because I'm upset about something? This has really helped a lot. A lot of times I'll drink a ton of water and it cures whatever is ailing me.
* Memorial Day weekend I had to go to the Urgent Care clinic for sinusitis. I got TWO shots and 10 days of antibiotics. Normally this would be a trigger for me to eat crap and not give a s***. I've not done that this time around and if anything, I've worked harder to care for myself. Perfect.

This has gone smoothly and not-so-smoothly if that makes sense. I am still missing my nighttime snacks. I really had no idea how much I looked forward to those snacks after Emily goes to bed. Saturday I went to a birthday party and I was the ONLY person to not have soda, cake and a cookie. I saved up because I knew I was eating a big salad from a restaurant later that night.

The good part of that story is I explained to the mom next to me why I was not having any (she mentioned how she's started vacation). Turns out, she's a runner! We had a nice conversation about the upcoming races. She's run both of them before and we analyzed if we really had the gumption and dedication to run a full marathon. It was very nice to talk to a real person about running as opposed to my friends on the web.

So that's where I'm at. I'm hoping to make this week a good one on the scale. As long as I'm losing, I'm pretty happy. But I have a lot of fun things planned for this week, so my non-worthy stress can take a back seat. :)

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